Saturday, 18 April 2015


Cereal magazine. vol1A beautiful magical place where travel, lifestyle, photography editorial work and minimalism meet and hang out. Reading this magazine is like eating a decadently rich chocolate truffle. I literally want to eat the pages. But then again no because one issue costs $20NZ and that is far too expensive to be chewing on any of the waxed Bristol-born pages. Curator-Cereal-02Elegantly written, cleanly designed and stunningly photographed I’m yet to find a fault with this quarterly travel bible. If this doesn’t make you want to find the cheapest flights to places like London, Sweden, Sicily or Charleston I don’t know what will. So prepare yourself for strong feelings to visit places that you have never heard of and can barely pronounce as well as a desire to throw out all your belongings and live in a white empty room. 

What has brought on this particular obsession? Recently I had a much overdue but very simple epiphany of the importance of being inspired. How is one expected to ever pursue their dreams or live a life they love if they don’t actively spend time surrounding themselves with things they find of great value? Immersing and enriching your life with influences that you are passionate about is often overlooked and forgotten. Constantly in school, university or work we are given books to read, media to watch and art to appreciate, but how often do we take time to spend time around beautiful and insightful things? How often do we take a moment to look at something because it is pleasing, or read about something because it is inspiring? 

So take that time. Indulge in something beautiful. Buy a magazine because its well designed, or write a list of quotes that make you feel inspired. Eat your favorite food or finally get around to reading that book about that thing that you want to know about. Just take the time.lajollatears_cereal1

Have a beautiful week everybody xx

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