you’ve spent anytime around the Coromandel coast of New Zealand (and if you haven’t
you really are missing out) then you most probably have heard of Luke’s
Kitchen. But considering I have spent every summer at Whangapoua since the age
of 5, it’s a wonder that it was only a year ago I discovered this infamous pizza
shack just 30mins drive away in the little village of Kuaotunu.
from a small casual pizza restaurant run by a bloke called Luke, it quickly gained a stellar
reputation, with crows of
sunburned surfers and starving beach goers lining up for a coveted surfboard
table or driftwood bench.

With piping hot pizzas being shoveled from the open wood-fire oven to hungrily waiting tables faster than you can open your ice cold beer, it’s sure to become a solid favorite with any who visit.